Installation, Debs and Co., New York

2002, Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, series of 508 drawings, approx. 5 x 20 ft.

Installation, Debs and Co., New York

2002, Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, series of 508 drawings, approx. 5 x 20 ft.

Installation, Debs and Co., New York

2002, Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, series of 508 drawings, approx. 5 x 20 ft.

Installation, Debs and Co., New York

2002, Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, series of 508 drawings, approx. 5 x 20 ft.

Hooded Oriole

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

American Robin

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Long-tailed Jaeger

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Golden Eagle

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Prairie Falcon

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Wild Turkey

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Clark's Grebe

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Laughing Gull

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Common Merganser

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

American Woodcock

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Pileated Woodpecker

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Canary-winged Parakeet

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Sandwich Tern

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Boreal Owl

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Broom-headed Cowbird

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper


2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Semipalmated Plover

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Red-shouldered Hawk

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Canada Warbler

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

Palm Warbler

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

McCown's Longspur

2002, from Birds of North America Misquote Hip Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, colored pencil and ink on Arches paper

show thumbnails