Solo Exhibitions
2024 Somelight, Jennifer Terzian Gallery, Litchfield, Connecticut
2022 Still Life, Jennifer Terzian Gallery
2015 Social Butterflies, Gleichapel, Paris, France
2012 Of Lamb, Umpqua Valley Arts Center, Oregon
2011 The Making Of Lamb, Real Art Ways, Hartford
2011 Of Lamb, PPOW, New York
2008 Freaked Out Monkeys in the Trees, Lisa Boyle Gallery, Chicago, and Finesilver Gallery, San Antonio
2007 Tiny Horses Say What, Tinlark Gallery, Los Angeles (two-person show)
2006 Tiny Horses Say What, Lisa Boyle Gallery, Chicago
2005 Birds of North Africa Speak French and English Both at Once, G-Module, Paris
2003 North American Mammals Speak the Truth and Often Flatter You Unnecessarily, Debs and Co., New York
2003 Birds of North America ..., Sandroni Rey, Venice, California
2003 Birds of North America ..., Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, Massachusetts
2002 Birds of North America Misquote Hip-Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection, Debs and Co., New York
Group Exhibitions
—Thicket, Overlap Gallery, Newport, Rhode Island (June 7–July 19; organized by Kirstin Lamb)
—Hilma af Klint, The Infinite and the Divine, Lightforms Art Center, Hudson, New York
—Mill Street, New Haven
—The Generations Show, Clark Memorial Library
—Water Access, Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven (organized by Fritz Horstman)
—Under Erasure, Pierogi Gallery, New York
—The Cosmic Garden, Orticolario, Lake Como, Italy (organized by Jeff Gleich)
—We Got Spirit, Yes We Do: The Complete Works of the Lovey Town Archive, Unity Gallery, Fairfield, Iowa
—Visual Aids Annual Postcards from the Edge Benefit (2003–17)
—I Can't Spell Group without a You, Lovey Town
—Tweet, Children's Museum of the Arts, New York
—Unhinged, Pierogi Gallery, Brooklyn
—The Words and Pictures Show, Matthea Harvey & Amy Jean Porter, Flying Object, Hadley, Massachusetts (catalogue)
—A Perfect Day, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam
—Out of Nature: An Exhibition of Alternatives, The Institute Library, New Haven (organized by Stephen Kobasa)
—Wings: The Imagery of Flight, Seattle ArtResource
—Washington Project for the Arts Auction Gala, Katzen Arts Center, American University
—Seriously, Funny: Without Borders V, University of Maine, Orono
—Lots of Things Like This, Apex Art, NY (catalogue; organized by Dave Eggers)
—G-Salon, G-Module, Paris
—Aqua Wynwood, Miami (Lisa Boyle Gallery)
—Year_07 Art Projects, London (Lisa Boyle Gallery and G-Module)
—A Drawing Show, Lisa Boyle Gallery, Chicago
—Millay Colony Artists, Columbia Council on the Arts Gallery, Hudson, New York
—John/Jane Project, Artspace, New Haven, CT
—Why Look at Animals? Artspace, New Haven, CT (organized by Denise Markonish)
—Beast, Finesilver Gallery, Houston
—Small Stories: A Mini-Comics Reading Room, Memphis College of Art, Tennessee
—19th Drawing Show, Mills Gallery, Boston Center for the Arts
—Aqua Art Miami (Lisa Boyle Gallery)
—FIAC, Paris (G-Module)
—Haskins Laboratories, Yale University (Artspace satellite show), New Haven, CT
—The Obligation to Endure: Art and Ecology since "Silent Spring," New York Academy of Sciences (organized by Nick Debs)
—Things Fall from the Sky, Evanston Art Center, IL (catalogue; organized by Ciara Ennis)
—New Works on Paper, Lisa Boyle Gallery, Chicago
—Drawing II (Selected), G-Module, Paris, France
—D. Dominick Lombardi and Amy Jean Porter, Lisa Boyle Gallery, Chicago
—Art Star/Sausage Factory, Debs and Co., New York
—BirdSpace: A Post Audubon Artists Aviary, Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans (catalogue; organized by David Rubin; touring through 2006)
—For the Birds, Artspace, New Haven, CT (catalogue)
Insectpedia, A Brief Compendium of Insect Lore, written by Eric R. Eaton (Princeton University Press, 2022)
Florapedia, A Brief Compendium of Floral Lore, written by Carol Gracie (Princeton University Press, 2021)
Fungipedia, A Brief Compendium of Mushroom Lore, written by Lawrence Millman (Princeton University Press, 2019)
The Artists' and Writers' Cookbook: A Collection of Stories with Recipes, edited by Natalie Eve Garrett (powerHouse Books, 2016)
When Up and Down Left Town, 24-hr collaboration with Matthea Harvey (Cabinet Books, 2016)
Spider, Man, an arty comic (Hic & Hoc/Flying Object, 2013)
Of Lamb, a collaboration with Matthea Harvey (McSweeney's Books, 2011)
Other Books / Anthologies
The Beautiful Book of Exquisite Corpses, edited by Gavin Edwards (Penguin Books, 2018)
The Feminist Utopia Project: 57 Visions of a Wildly Better Future, edited by Alexandra Brodsky and Rachel Kauder Nalebuff (Feminist Press, 2015)
Curiosity and Method: Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine (Cabinet Books, 2012)
Art of McSweeney's (Chronicle Books, 2010)
More Things Like This (Chronicle Books, 2009)
McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern; artist’s project, Tiny Horses Say What (Issue 25, 2007)
Greetings from the Ocean's Sweaty Face: 100 McSweeney's Postcards (Chronicle Books, 2009)
Other Published Work
Evergreen Review; with poems by George Kalogeris (January 2023)
ISLE Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (Autumn 2020)
“Poem in the Shape of a Spring Stream, March 20, 2020”
“Poem in the Shape of a Spring Stream, March 29, 2020”
Medium; “Spring Ephemeral” (May 19, 2020)
spiralbound/Medium; "Some Bunnies, Late Spring" (June 19, 2018)
Topic; "A Bustle in the Hedgerow" (May 1, 2018)
The Awl; "Winter Is for House Mice" (January 3, 2018)
spiralbound/Medium; "A Toothpick at Every Meal" (December 13, 2017)
The Awl; "Fall Is for Squirrels" (October 25, 2017)
The Awl; "Summer Is for Herons" (August 23, 2017)
Lucky Peach; "Bananas" drawings and poems for issue 23 "The Suburbs"
Poetry Society of America; "Some Bunnies" (April 13, 2017)
The Awl; "Winter to Spring" (March 20, 2017)
The Awl; "Fall to Winter" (December 21, 2016)
The Awl; "We Have No Other Bananas" (November 22, 2016)
The Hairpin; "Summer to Fall" (September 22, 2016)
The Hairpin; "Spring to Summer," (June 13, 2016)
The Awl; "Drawings in a Hurry" (monthly-ish series, 2009–12)
Lucky Peach; drawings for issue 6 "The Apocalypse"
Meatpaper; artist's sketchbook (issues 14, 17, 19)
Graze magazine; cover art for issue 2
How To Be: North Dakota; cover art for humor book by Abe Sauer (fall 2011)
Cabinet magazine; Bradwardine in Action (summer 2011)
Girl Crush Zine; Sacred Heart (summer 2011)
Capsule show; drawings for fashion men's/women's show
Opium; special project curated by Jesse Nathan (Issue 7)
Filter; cover images for hand-made literary journal by Jennifer Borges Foster
Jubilat; artist-poet collaboration, Bats of Nicaragua (Issue 14)
The Next American City; drawings for cover and inside (winter 2005)
Happy Pappy; artist’s project, published by Milch Gallery, London (December 2003)
Cabinet magazine; artist’s project, Birds of North America Misquote Hip-Hop and Sometimes Pause for Reflection (summer 2002)
Columbia (annual journal of art and literature); cover art (2002)
”Porter breathes into ‘Still Life’ with trademark bright colors,” Tracey O’Shaughnessy, Waterbury Republican-American (Nov. 23, 2022)
”What To Read: Amy Jean Porter is drawing every animal,” Substack Stories (Dec. 11, 2020)
”Mill Street Exhibit Makes It Local,” Brian Slattery, New Haven Independent (Feb. 25, 2020)
”The Cultural Encyclopedia of Mushrooms That We Need Right Now,” LitHub (Oct. 29, 2019)
”'Male gaze macarons' feature in the Artists' and Writers' Cookbook,” Anna Furman, The Guardian (Oct. 11, 2016)
”In the Studio with Amy Jean Porter,” 20x200 (Feb. 7, 2015)
”Amy Jean Porter: All Species, All the Time,” Carolyn Turgeon, Faerie magazine
”Words of a Feather,” Barbara A. MacAdam, Artnews (January 2014)
”Marvelous Medicine: Books for Precocious Kids and Kid-Hearted Grownups," Dan Pinkerton, [PANK] magazine (Dec. 28, 2013)
”Critic's Pick,” George Stolz, ARTnews (February 2013)
”Amy Jean Porter—artist, friend to animals,” Uses This (September 19, 2011)
”The End of Summer, The Exit from Cat Town,” Amy Shearn, (Sept. 17, 2012)
”Freaked Out Monkeys,” TIJDSCHRIFT ei #7 (summer 2012)
”Calf-love Is Fanciful, Wistful,” Samantha Zighelboim, THEThe Poetry (Jun. 14, 2012)
”Of Lamb,” review by Mitchell McInnis, The Collagist (2012)
”Absent Things as if They Are Present: A History Of Literature Created By Erasure, Collage, Omission, And Wite-Out,” Jeanne Vanasco, The Believer (Jan. 2012)
"Six Graphic Novels that Will Draw You In," Dan Kois, NPR (Dec. 21, 2011)
"The Best Books of 2011 You Haven't Read," Elissa Schappell, Vanity Fair (Dec. 13, 2011)
"11 Books You Will Fall in Love with Instantly," Leigh Newman and Abbe Wright, (Dec. 7, 2011)
"Mercurial Lamb: A Narrative of Collaborative Mutation," Eric Kim, West 10th (Oct. 23, 2011)
"The Making 'Of Lamb' at Real Art Ways," Susan Dunne, Hartford Courant (Oct. 13, 2011)
"The Magic of Amy Jean Porter," Derek Erdman, The Stranger (Oct. 18, 2011)
"Critics' Pick: Amy Jean Porter," Alpesh Kantilal Patel, (July 2011)
"Making 'Of Lamb,'" Thessaly La Force, The Paris Review Daily (Jul. 6, 2011)
"Of Lamb: A Children's Classic Retold for Contrarians," Kirstin Butler, Brain Pickings (Jul. 11, 2011)
"from the desk of ...," Kate Donnelly, (July 2011)
"Stranger Territories: Reinterpreting Mary's Lamb," Nozlee Samadzadeh, Artlog (Jun. 22, 2011)
"Interview, Matthea Harvey & Amy Jean Porter," Erik Bryan, The Morning News (Jun. 1, 2011)
"The Approval Matrix, Week of May 30," New York magazine (May 30, 2011)
"Lots of Things Like This," George Pendle, Frieze (Sept. 2008)
"Amy Jean Porter, Freaked Out Monkeys in the Trees," Alicia Eler, Time Out Chicago
(Jun. 12–18, 2008)
"Art for Healing, The Stunning Art Collection of the Dell Children's Medical Center," Rebecca S. Cohen, Austin Chronicle (Jan. 18, 2008)
"Basel's Orbit," Jen Graves, Art and Auction (Sept. 2007)
"A Drawing Show," Lauren Weinberg, Time Out Chicago (Aug. 16–22, 2007)
"Amy Jean Porter," Grace Bonney, design*sponge (
"All Species, All the Time," Graphic Design Bar (
"Beast, Houston," Christopher French, Art Papers (Jan.-Feb. 2007)
"Tiny Horses Say What," Flavorpill Chicago (; issue 87)
"Tiny Horses Say What," LeisureArts (
"Amy Jean Porter at Lisa Boyle Gallery," Bad at Sports (; episode 34)
"Report from Paris," Lucinda Masson, Art New England (Apr.-May 2006)
"In Brief: Amy Jean Porter," Stephen Sartarelli, Art on Paper (Jan–Feb 2006)
"Art Gone Avian," Margaret Regan, Tucson Weekly (Feb. 9-15, 2006)
"Amy Jean Porter at G-Module," Chris Sharp, GoGo Paris (Dec. 2005)
"Expos, Galeries," Molly Mine, Paris Capitale (Sept.–Oct. 2005)
"Things Fall from the Sky," Kathryn Hixson, Time Out Chicago (Jun. 30–Jul. 7, 2005)
"All Is Not What It Seems," Claire Lieberman, d'Art International (winter 2005)
"For the Birds," Britt Brown, Flaunt magazine (winter 2004)
”Fuzzy Logic,” Simon Dumenco, New York magazine (October 3, 2003)
Teaching, Talks, Residencies, Awards
Low Season Artist Residency, Block Island, RI (April 2024)
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation ART Award (2016)
Connecticut Artist Fellowship (2015)
University of New Haven, CT; lecturer in art history and drawing (2012–13)
Umpqua Community College, OR; visiting artist (November 2012)
Artspace New Haven, CT; public school program (spring 2012)
Weir Farm NHS, Wilton, CT; artist residency (February 2007)
Millay Colony, Austerlitz, NY; artist residency (May 2006)
New York Studio Program; visiting artist (April 2005)
Cleveland Institute of Art; visiting artist (January 2005)
Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA; lecturer in art history and cultural studies (2002–03)
Burren College of Art, Co. Clare, Ireland; lecturer in art history (1999–2000)
Dell Children's Medical Center, Austin, TX
Deutsche Bank
MPhil Textual and Visual Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
BA Humanities, Yale University
all works © 2025 Amy Jean Porter